
FunkOS (née Functosh System) is an alternative lineup of systems. This is based on BarOS or MacOS. It has a multiplayer gamemode.

FunkOS boot menu.

FunkOS 9, displaying it's ad.

Gameplay of the "screensaver" game mode on FunkOS 7.

FunkOS IⵔII.


FunkOS II Bronco.

FunkOS IZ Menudo.

FunkOS IЗ Vacaville.


FUNK/S (new).


The FunkOS 8 logo has googly eyes. See more silly things in this page.

Functosh Systems 1 to 6 describe the blue and red Functoshes in the multiplayer gamemode as "Functosh" and "opponent Functosh", respectively.

FunkOS IЗ instead describes the blue and red Functoshes as "azure Functosh" and "tomato Functosh", making them more hilarious but "professional" according to the Functosh creators.

FunkOS Iⵔ and FunkOS IⵔII have glossy aesthetics, as seen in the index.

FunkOS II uses a modified BarOS 11 startup sound.

FunkOS IЗ uses new assets instead of reusing FunkOS II and IZ's assets.